Thursday, April 15, 2010

a true story!

Blaise Pascal once said that in our hearts, there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God Himself can fill.

With all the fun, friends, medals, admirations and praise, one would think that I lack nothing. I have a great family, who loves and supports me, I have many friends of whom I enjoyed company, I am a talented and intelligent girl who won academic contests, honors, medals, and recognitions, and our family is also fine when it comes to financial aspect.

I was born into a Catholic family. My grandmother, who was a devoted Catholic always brought me with her to the church. So I pretty much grew up in a religious environment. Every Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I would hear of someone called Jesus. I knew He is the Son of God who came to the world to save us, I always hear that in church, but that didn’t matter to me then, I thought that my life is complete and that I’m too happy to bother, or that’s what I thought.

When I was in high school, I have finished reading the New Testament in the bible out of sheer curiosity because I heard that it can change lives, so I gave it a shot and have finished it only to find out that I cannot understand this book unlike the novels that I have read.

My classmates have seen me reading the bible, I was even attending church three times a week, and they also say that I’m kind, so they thought I was a godly person and I was enjoying the favor. But this is only a mask that I put on to win people’s acceptance. It was a good image to portray, I thought to myself. The people see me as a godly person, but deep inside, I resist the very idea of the existence of a God, and I resist the idea that I needed a God in my life.

I went to college, still having my skeptic kind of thinking, bearing with me my ambitions and goals, and the belief that I can do everything on my own because I have my abilities.

But I was wrong. Great clouds covered my life and strong winds have blown away my hope. Problems crowded my life. Problems in the family have defeated me. My father got hospitalized and was sick with renal failure. He had to undergo operations and dialysis which caused our finances to break down. Conflicts in the family arouse and I grew more of a stranger in my own family. And my studies was also affected that I came to a point in which I thought my only option was to stop studying because of the financial problems.

I grew more and more frustrated with my life, without a hope and without a future to look forward to. I felt like a blind person walking, seeing nothing but darkness across my path.

I was sick and tired of things that were going on in my life. In the end of the day, I would face the mirror and ask myself who I really am. And all I would see, looking back at me, is a big failure. I expected much from myself and I realized that even my own abilities can fail me. I felt like a man trapped in a box, jaded and left alone with my real self without finding a way out. And so that night of November 13, 2007, I planned my suicide. I was planning to commit it the night of November 14.

November 14 was a typical school day. I went through my usual school day routine. Our professor hasn’t arrived yet that day and we were waiting for him to arrive. Our new classmate was sharing a yellow booklet to the girl sitting beside me. They were reading through it. My close friend was listening to them. He approached our new classmate by the end of the class and we went together. And she shared to us the Four Spiritual Laws, the booklet that has opened my eyes and heart to the truth.

Indeed, I was never alone. In times when my life leads to nowhere, God has been watching me, waiting for me to see that everything can fail except for His everlasting love. And His grace and love is so amazing that it covers multitudes of sins.

God indeed loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life. And on that day salvation has come forth to my life as I lay down my crown as ruler of my life and gave it to the one who created me. The name I took for granted before has brought life to me, the name of Jesus. “For salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12)

In everyone’s heart, there’s a God-shaped vacuum that only God Himself can fill. All of us were once broken and only the one who has created us has the ability to fix the brokenness in us. And once you have been fixed, you’ll never be the same again.

I’m so thankful to God for saving me. He did not only save my soul but my life as well. “For great is your love towards me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.” (Psalm 96:13)

Now I have 8 consistent disciples, helping them grow in their relationship with the Lord. And I’m also sharing the gospel to students like me for just as God loves me, so does He love them. I’m glad I have chosen to follow this race for there is no task more fulfilling than to serve the Lord who loved me not because of, but in spite of. To God be all the glory, honor and praise.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Aubrey M. Lee, 18 years old.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

3rd year

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

PUP-Campus Crusade for Christ

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009


One of the most often seen symbols of Christmas is he candy cane. Not only are candy canes used as a sweet Christmas time treats but they are also used for decoration. how did this seasonal candy get its familiar shape, and when did it become part of Christmas tradition?

When practice of using Christmas trees to celebrate Christmas became popular in Europe the people there began making decorations for their trees. Many of the decorations were food items including cookies and candy. the predecessor of our modern candy cane appeared at about this time in the 17th century. These were straight, white sticks of sugar candy.

Part of the Christmas celebration at the Cologne Cathedral was pageants of living creches. In about 1670 the choirmaster there had sticks of candy bent into shape of a shepherd's crook and passed them out to children who attended the ceremonies. This became a popular tradition, and eventually the practice of passing out the sugar canes at living creche ceremonies spread throughout Europe.

The use of candy canes on Christmas trees made its way to America by the 1800's, however during this time they were still pure white. They are represented this way on Christmas cards made before 1900, and it is not until the early 20th century that they appear with their familiar red stripes.

Many people have given religious meaning to the shape and form of the candy cane. It is said that its shape is like the letter "J" in Jesus' name. It is also in the shape of the shepherds' crook, symbolic of how Jesus, life the "Good Shepherd" watches over his children like little lambs. It is a hard candy, solid like a "rock", the foundation of the church. The flavour of peppermint is similar to another member of the mint family, hyssop. In the Old Testament hyssop was used for purification and sacrifice, and this is said the symbolize the purity of Jesus and the sacrifice he made.

Some say the white of the candy cane represents the purity of Jesus and his virgin birth. The bold red stripe represents God's love. The tree fine stripes are said by some to represent the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Others say they represent the blood spilled at the beating Jesus receive at the hands of the Roman soldiers.

From its plain early beginnings to its familiar shape and colour of today, the candy cane is a symbol of Christmas and a reminder of the meaning of the holiday.

It is not enough to only know the history of the candy cane because the main role that Christian celebrates for Christmas is Jesus Christ.

I believe all of you at least born in clinic, hospital or some of you might born in your house but baby Jesus was born in a manger. Have you ever heard about Jesus Christ is the son of God? And have you ever thought of why Jesus wants to come to the world and born in in such place? All the answer is actually the same. It's because God loves us that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but has eternal life.

Would you like to have this eternal life? It's our pleasure to tell you how to get this eternal life. For further information, kindly contact us at or our contact person, Jessalynn at 0127445644 or 0167241447.

Wish you have a wonderful and meaningful Christmas! Feliz Navidad :)

A nice song to share with you all:
We were the reason (click here to link)

Friday, October 23, 2009

UTM-CLC 200920101

Planning retreat @ June 29 - July 1, 2009.
3 days 2 nights planning retreat at Tanjung Puteri, Pasir Gudang.
Plan ahead the things that we are going to do in the coming semester.

Pork Party @ July 5, 2009.
A simple porks meal for freshies at Callie's place.

Freshman Outreach Campaign (FOC) started @ July 6, 2009.
MCCC Johor Coverage staffs were helping us as well.

UTM-CLC Welcoming Night @ July 12, 2009.
A simple but grand welcoming night to introduce CLC to freshies.

Personal Assessment Seminar @ August 5, 2009.
Invited speaker, Mr Lee Heng Kee.
Venued at Rumah Alumni, UTM.

Kitchen Fellowship @ August 12, 2009.
Speghatti feast at Ministry House.

Presentation Skill Seminar @ August 19, 2009.
Invited speaker, Mr Daniel Lim.
Venued, Boon Hwi and Pooi San's place.

Ultimate Frisbee @ August 26, 2009.
Venued, Padang UTM.

Part 1 training @ August 28, 2009.
Venued, Boon Hwi and Pooi San's place.

Maximising Study Method @ September 09, 2009.
Invited speaker, Mr Lee Heng Kee.
Venued, Ministry House.
Kitchen fellowship #2 @ September 16, 2009.
Sushi feast!
Venued, Boon Hwi and Pooi San's place.

Prayer Profile Trip @ September 19, 2009.
Prayer profile trip for coming mission trip.

Camp D'Adventure aka Basic Outdoor Instructor Course (BOIC) @ September 24-25, 2009.
Partnership with MAPs.
2 staffs from sabah were participated.
A fruitful trip for CLC members.
Doulos Trip @ September 30, 2009.
2 vans plus 1 car trip to visit Doulos.

Thanksgiving supper @ October 13, 2009.
A simple supper to give thanks for God's leading in this semester.
We were witnessing God's provision and grace on everyone of us.
Looking forward to serve Him in the coming semester.
We are looking forward to have you to join us in building movement in our university.
If you are interested or if you have any inquiries,
Please do not hesitate to contact
Jessalynn at 0127445644 or 0167241447.
God bless you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Doulos was purchased in 1977 by GBA Ships e.V. (previously known as Good Books for All), a private, non-profit, charitable organisation registered in Germany.

Over 20 million visitors have been welcomed on board for tours, programmes and visits to the floating book fair. With stops in over 500 ports of call, this unique ship has visited more than 100 countries in including Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and many island nations.

Doulos is recognised in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest active ocean-going passenger ship.

Doulos visits port cities throughout the world, supplying vital literature resources, encouraging inter-cultural understanding, training young people for more effective life and service, promoting greater global awareness, providing practical aid and sharing a message of hope in God wherever there is opportunity.

Doulos carries a stock of half a million books. In total, over 19 million visitors have come on board to browse the selection of 6,000 available titles. Titles cover a wide range of subjects, such as science, sports, hobbies, cookery, the arts, economics and medicine, as well as books on faith in God and living life in God’s service. The books have been carefully chosen to cater to interests of all ages, and keeping in mind the educational, social and moral needs of the local community. A large selection is devoted especially to children. Local language materials supplement the vast array of English books. The books are offered at a fraction of their retail value. In some ports significant quantities are also donated. Literature explaining the need for a right relationship with God is made available for visitors in countries where this is appropriate.

This is not just a story telling session but Doulos will be here (Pasir Gudang) from 24th September to 7th October! So, we will make a trip and details as per following:

Date: 30th September 2009

Time: Start fetching people at 6pm

Charge: RM2 for transport; RM1 for entrance fee

**Please contact Jessalynn @ 0127445644/0167241447 if you are interested to join us there!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Camp D'Adventure

We will have Camp D'Adventure on 24-25th September 2009.
Invite all UTM student who are christian.
To register, please click here.